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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

#17 - Upcoming coupons and offers for the next two weeks.

Sorry, that title was just a cheap ploy to get you reading this post.

We are not so sure that the traditional marketing concepts would work very well with gas analyzers.

Gas analyzers are usually planned purchases that are dependant on the desired application. Promotions such as “buy one – get one free”, discount coupons, frequent purchase cards, “Roll Up the Rim”, etc. work best in retail environments. But gas analysis equipment is another matter entirely.

When I was in the paint & coatings industry a few years ago, we would periodically have batch errors, mis-tints, formulation problems, damaged packaging, discontinued products and other situations where unsalable product was the result. So we put together a department that combined and re-worked the product to render it saleable in specific markets. Our products were humorously nick-named “fall-off-the-truck-deals” by the buyers in our niche market. The concept worked great. Revenue was generated on product that at one time would have been destined for costly disposal.

I like telling that story. But it is quite a bit different from what we are doing here at Nova. We manufacture gas analyzers out of individual components. You might think of us as a components integrator. Our gas analyzers are designed and built with a specific analysis application in mind. We then calibrate and test the instruments in our QC lab. There is no such thing as a “fall-off-the-truck-deal” in this industry. Or at least it's extremely rare.

The best promotion that we can think of is to build reliable, accurate equipment for a reasonable price. That’s what we try to do.

Give Mike or Dave at Nova a call, or send us an e-mail.
sales at nova-gas dot com
websales at nova-gas dot com

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