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Thursday, January 24, 2013

#100 - 100 Posts

We started this blog about a year & a half ago. Initially, it did not seem possible that there would be enough to talk about to sustain the blog for any length of time. Our company just did not seem exciting enough to write anything about. But here we are at 100 posts later and the ideas are still coming.

It seems that corporate blogging is somewhat of an art. Here are some notes / ideas about blogging that we have noticed in our own experience over the last year:
  • Be patient – genuine readership takes a while to build, and is built on content. We haven’t actively sought out ‘followers’ or ‘friended’ anyone. But, we have kept an eye on how many readers we have had. We can also look at web-tracking software to see how many are being directed to our website via the blog. However, we don’t evaluate the blog solely on what it does for our website. The blog is also a standalone document that gets our name and our work out there onto the search engines.
  • Be committed to it – post regularly (weekly is good, preferably on the same day and in the mornings) and avoid missing posts; if one person can’t keep up, have a couple people working on it; try to build up a back-log of material to provide flexibility on busy weeks.
  • Knowledgeable oversight – the blog writer or manager should have a decent grasp of the company’s operations, area of experience & expertise, and connection to markets.
  • Be relevant – the general content should be reasonably relevant to your company’s area of expertise; or at least have some connection to an aspect of your company.
  • Have variety - not all content needs to be directly relevant to what your company is actually selling; comment on what is happening in your industry, in your neighborhood(s), to your customers, in your company; and for variety, the occasional post can have nothing to do with your company.
  • Be human – blog should be written in an engaging way that is readable by anyone.
  • Be observant – some of your posts will attain a higher readership than others; try to figure out why, and allow that information to influence what you write, or even what markets your company targets in the future.
  • Have visuals – try to add pictures to go along with your words, visuals add interest, information, and humanity to your blog.
  • Send your posts out through a few channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Careful about over-doing it though. It is our own opinion that slow and steady wins real readers.

Interestingly, here are some Nova blog posts in terms of percentage of reader visits:

#70 - Post #5 is our most popular blog post (Syngas and Gasification) – 7.1 %

#53 - What is CONSTEEL? – 1.6 %

#102 - Triple Point Analysis of Biogas at Palm Oil Facility - 1.5%

Recent posts that have gained popularity in the last month or so:

#95 - Multi-Point Conditioning Systems for Mass Spectroscopy in DRI Plants
#123 - Borehole and soil gas analysis

Couple things that the above data tells us:
  • Steel-making and gasification should be industries that we remain committed to in terms of market, products, support, and contacts.
We will keep writing. Hopefully, people will keep visiting.

Best regards,
Dave @ Nova

For information on gas analyzer systems, give Mike or Dave at Nova a call, or send us an e-mail.
sales at nova-gas dot com
websales at nova-gas dot com

1 comment:

Sarah Sturtevant said...

Congratulations, Dave and the team at Nova on your 100th blog! As your internet marketing consultant, it's been a real pleasure to witness your company's blogging and social media journey. You've made great strides as this excellent and very helpful blogging piece shows! I will be sharing your blog with all my ThomsNet clients as well. Keep up the excellent work!

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